Old or new?

Assist students to develop ideas about how technology in the home has changed over time.

The Technology at home activity shows how some household technologies have changed over time. Slide the bar along the timeline to see the changes. Place your mouse over an object to reveal text information about it. Different information is displayed as the object changes over time.

Compare two similar household objects, one from the past and one from the present. Students might, for example, compare two irons, two toasters or two pieces of clothing.

Allow students to handle the objects where possible as they examine them, looking at the materials used, their shape, colour and size.

Students can suggest how the objects work. For example, are they battery operated, wind-up, electric or hand driven?

Students suggest why materials used today are different from the materials used in the past. Students identify other features that suggest age such as colour and design.

Complete the 'Old or new?' drag-and-drop sorting activity.