Stage 4
The interview with Samuel Wagan Watson and related learning experiences provide opportunities to:
identify the factors that contribute to an Aboriginal person’s identity (4.1)
outline ways in which Aboriginal Peoples maintain their identity (4.2)
outlines changes in Aboriginal cultural expression across time and location (4.4)
describes the contributions and significance of Aboriginal Peoples to Australian society (4.7)
describes the interaction of the wider Australian community with Aboriginal Peoples and cultures (4.8).
Stage 5
The interview with Samuel Wagan Watson and related learning experiences provide opportunities to:
describe the factors that contribute to an Aboriginal person’s identity (5.1)
explain ways in which Aboriginal Peoples maintain their identity (5.2)
explains adaptations in, and the changing nature of, Aboriginal cultural expression across time and location (5.4)
assesses the significance of contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Australian society (5.7)
analyses the interaction of the wider Australian community with Aboriginal Peoples and cultures (5.8).
Stage 6
The interview with Samuel Wagan Watson and related learning experiences provide opportunities to:
analyse and discuss the social justice and human rights issues that are contemporary consequences of the colonisation of Aboriginal and other Indigenous groups (H1.2)
examine contemporary expressions of Aboriginal culture, heritage and identity (H2.2)
discuss and analyse consequences of colonisation on contemporary Aboriginal cultural, political, social and economic life (H2.3)
investigate, analyse and synthesise information from Aboriginal and other perspectives (H4.1).