Email.Modernisation project 
The department will soon start upgrading staff mailboxes as part of the Email.Modernisation project. Mailboxes will be upgraded progressively, school by school, until the end of Term 4. Keep an eye out for emails from the project team, with more details about when your school is scheduled and what to expect from the upgrade. Not only will this project deliver a new look and feel for Outlook Web Access (Staff Mail) it will also help to enhance and secure our email environment and position us to unlock more advanced functionality across the Microsoft suite including Teams. More information at:
- About the Email.Modernisation project - including FAQs
- What to expect from your upgrade - including guides for accessing Outlook Web Access and mail on mobile devices following the migration
- New look and feel for Outlook Web Access (Staff Mail)
Remote access for school staff 
As mentioned in our previous issue, the new Remote access service from home is now available. The initial launch was targeted at Principals and school admin staff, but we are pleased to advise that this access has now been enabled for all school staff. Installing the MS Remote Desktop client on your home or school-loaned PC, will provide access to files stored in your U drive, Faculty, and Collaboration shares, as well as MS Office applications, including Outlook. For instructions on setting up remote access to your school's server, please visit the Azure Virtual Desktop page and watch the quick video below!
Recording school ICT equipment 
Schools are responsible for keeping their equipment register up to date. The equipment and assets register should be a living record, that clearly identifies and locates all school owned property. The equipment register contains items that are less than $10,000 in value, where the item could be considered attractive, portable and at risk of loss or theft. In terms of technology devices and peripherals, the following items should be included:
- Desktops, laptops, tablets, printers, monitors, touch screens
- Projectors, cameras, robotics kits, VR equipment
ICT equipment purchased by the school, provided through department allocations, or donated to the school should all be recorded in the equipment register. Further advice is included in the Finance in Schools Handbook (FISH).
Disinfecting devices after use 
As is happening across the world, schools are routinely disinfecting their computer devices and other peripherals that are shared by students. At the same time, hardware vendors are reporting growing cases of hardware faults - especially keyboards - that appear to be caused by excessive use of inappropriate liquid cleaners reaching electronic components. Water-based cleaners appear to be the most common cause of these faults. To avoid the inconvenience of device failure making them unavailable to students, please follow this cleaning guide. Always use an alcohol-based disinfectant and never spray directly onto any device. Also use a lint-free cloth like micro-fibre.
Science Week webinar for S3/4 
Gather your Stages 3 and 4 because it's Science Week and we've got a great webinar THIS THURSDAY! With the fascinating title of Developing Agricultural Technology using lessons from Space Exploration, we'll be looking into the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger - the goal to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. So get in quick and register now! Or check out this other great STEM webinar!
- Bread, mould and micro:bits - (Stages 4/5 on Wednesday)
Canva on the Virtual Staffroom 
As announced in our last issue, NSW Department of Education staff now have access to Canva for Education. But did you know the story behind Canva, has a very special education link? The latest episode of T4L's Virtual Staffroom features a discussion with Canva co-founder, Cameron Adams. He shares the story of Canva and their vision of putting the power of design in the hands of many – including teachers. Cameron gives us an insight into this powerhouse Australian tech company and how technology can democratise digital production. Plus, Joe, Yvette and Linda remind you how students, teachers and staff in NSW DoE can access Canva for Education right now!