Using the evidence: Solution

Question 1

According to this source, which of the following gives the correct order of settlement?


  1. Cook Islands, New Zealand, Pitcairn, Easter Island
  2. Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand
  3. Tahiti, Cook Islands, Niue, New Zealand
  4. Tonga, Hawaii, Marquesas, Tahiti


  1. Cook Islands, New Zealand, Pitcairn, Easter Island
  2. Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand

Question 2

Which of these pieces of evidence suggests that the Polynesian’s discovery of islands was not by accident?


  1. DNA evidence of where they came from
  2. Logs kept by the Polynesian navigators
  3. Pigs and chickens were taken on voyages
  4. The design of their waka


  1. Pigs and chickens were taken on voyages
  2. The design of their waka

Question 3

Critics of Thor Heyerdahl have argued that sweet potatoes could have travelled from South America to Polynesia with the help of:


  1. birds
  2. currents
  3. European explorers
  4. winds


  1. birds

Question 4

Which of the following does not add to our knowledge of the early movement of Polynesian peoples?


  1. DNA analysis
  2. Diary entries
  3. Pottery pieces
  4. Tupaia’s experience with the Maori people


  1. Diary entries