

Viewing guide

In a small group:

  • share an experience of songwriting that you’ve had. What was difficult? What processes did you follow? What worked well?

  • think of questions you would like to ask someone like Tim about songwriting if you had the chance. What advice might he give?

  • What is Tim’s advice to young songwriters? Note down the key points as he speaks.

  • How does Tim think that a musician develops his ‘own voice’?

  • Discuss the advice that Tim gives to young songwriters.

  • Reflect on the methods and beliefs behind Tim’s songwriting.

  • Does any of his advice surprise you? If so, why did it surprise you?

  • What aspects of his advice do you think you will take to heart and why?

[Music: No Aphrodisiac by The Whitlams performed with the Sydney Symphony Sinfonia]

Freya Lombardo (interviewer): What advice would you give kids and teenagers who are inspired by your performances at the Sydney Opera House?

Tim Freedman: From more of a song writing point of view, I think you’ve just got to remember that you’ve got to write a lot of bad songs before you write a good one. I think most people start by playing other people’s songs. When you’re doing a cover version or someone else’s song, it’s important to try and do it in your own style a little bit. That’s how you can develop your own voice by doing other people’s songs your way. Mozart was Mozart because he’d done ten thousand hours practice by the time he was six or ten. Nothing comes easily unless you put in lots of hours that no one notices. I often say to young bands who say, ‘Well, so have you got any advice?’ I say ‘Well, don’t even start unless you’ve got a spare decade’. You know it takes a long time to get anywhere. So, you have to really be willing to enjoy the journey ‘cause you don’t always get to the end.

[Music and applause]


Sense of ensemble

Sense of ensemble

Working together

Working together

Songwriter and composer

Songwriter and composer



Career development

Career development

Songwriting process

Songwriting process



Ben’s advice

Ben’s advice